Help Centre

Search box - top right hand corner

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In the top right hand corner you find a search box that allows to search you account for a multitude of different options.

These are the option available:

There are three different kinds of information you can search for.

1) Go to booking number
This is the default search option. If no other search option is being selected, entering a booking number will be what is searched for.

2) Customer search
This option lets you search for a guest (customer) by their Last name, the name entered as Guest name, which could be different from the first and last name entered. This could happen when one person books for somebody else.
The Post code and Email address are the other options to choose from.

3) Property search
It is possible to search for the Property number, which is the system generated property reference number.
Or the Property name, as well as the Reference number you have given the property.

Please note:
Your reference is not limited to a numberical value (numbers only).
It can be numbers only, characters only or a combination of both.