Help Centre

How do I add prices to the booking extras?

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Go to Properties > Booking extras and click on an option name to add prices for your booking extra. 

On the page for that booking extra, then select 'All properties'. A list of all your properties will appear.

1. If the extra is a chargeable extra, add the price next to any property you wish to offer it for (Blue arrow)

2. You can set the price to calculate as a fixed amount, per night, per person – per week – percentage of rent, or per person per night (Green arrow)

3. Set the VAT rate, if applicable.

4. Agency users Only:  You can assign an extra to pay to owner – this will only show money due to the owner if there is an owner rate added. You will also see a 'Supplier' Column.

5. Max for this property – if 0 then the extra won't display for that property. If you want it to show there must be a max number entered. For example, if a property allows up to 2 dogs, then the max would be 2. (Red arrow)

6. Default – set the number you want to show as the default quantity to add to bookings e.g. Booking fee = 1

This means that 1 booking fee amount will automatically add to each booking, without requiring the guest to opt into it (Orange arrow). Note that default extras are the only ones that can be sent to third-party channels.

7. Months - from which month would you like the booking extra to show. If you wish to limit the extra by date, see the instructions below).

Please note that any changes will auto-save once made. 

When the guest follows the booking process via your website, they will be presented with the various 'Extras' that they may choose as shown:

If you have added an Extra description and/or Photograph, these will be clickable, and will display in a further pop-up window: 

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