1. First you need to navigate to the booking.
2. If you know the booking number, click on the Search button on the top right of the SuperControl pages and enter your booking number.
Or you can go to Bookings > Grid view. When your grid has loaded click on the booking to take you into the main area for that booking. OR go to Bookings > Search bookings and use the filter options to find your booking.
3. Click “Edit” in the booking, and then select your agent from the drop down:

4. Click “Save”.
If you haven't created a third party agent yet, follow this guide to create one - here
To edit a third party agent
1. Go to Admin > Agents > Edit agents.
2. Click on the agent name, update any details then click “Save”.
How can a third party agent add a booking then log in to view their bookings?
1. To set this up go to Admin > Agents > Edit agents, click the agent name, and ensure you have an email address and password entered and click “Save”.
2. Email this URL to your agent: https://secure.supercontrol.co.uk/agents. From here they can login and view a report on the bookings that have been assigned to them.
3. Provide the agent with their reference number.
4. When the agent makes a booking through your website, there will be an option to add this reference number to the booking.