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How to change the colour bars in the exported housekeeper report

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To change the back ground colour of the headings in the exported housekeeper you can use the colour change tool.

1) Go to Admin > Housekeeper > Edit housekeeper > select Edit to the right of the housekeeper.
2) Click Impersonate at the top of the screen.
3) In the houseleeper report window click the PDf export tool

4) In the pop-up click onto the colour square to open the colour selection tool.

a) Using the hexidecimal colour space
You can enter any hexidecimal code (numbers from 0 - 9 and letters from a - f are being used) directly in this box.
Hexadecimal codes are widely used to define colours (colour spaces) for websites.

Please note:
Make sure to have a  #  in front of the hexadecimal code.

b) Colour picker (pipette)
When  you click the colour picker a circle shows magnifying the individual pixels of anywhere on the screen. The colour picker is not limited to your browser.
Whne you have found the colour you want, click the left mouse button.

Housekeeper's arrivals and departures : SuperControl - Google Chrome

c) Currently selected colour
This circle is showing the currently selected colour.

d) Selecting the colour in the colour space

You can shift the colour space to get into the colour range you want to choose your colour from.
Simply move the slider (white circle on the colour band) left or right.

e) Using the RGB colour space
The fifth option to select a colour is to use the RGB colour (red green blue) space and enter the values for R G and B directly in the boxes.

To reset your colour selection and restart the default colour, click Clear.

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