To log in as a housekeeper, please make sure you are using this URL (web address)
Please note:
The company or person managing the property needs to supply you with your login details.
You need to contact them directly, should you not be able to log in at the moment.
You will see the page showing below. It will allow you to filter bookings according to your requirements.
Filter options
The filter option at the top allow you to quickly check for any date range, property and include/exclude any booking extras and/or if they want to see the custom form field.
Select the date range, which needs to be checked.
Clicking on the small calendar icon provides quick day, month and year selection options.

A calendar for the current month opens.
As soon as a date has been chosen the calendar is closing automatically.

When you need to chance the month or the year, click onto the current month/year in the top left corner.

Selecting a different month
The calendar will automatically go back to the dates and allow you to select the date required.
Selecting a different year
When you are selecting a different year, a list of the month will appear underneath the selected year.

After selecting the month, the calendar will jump back automatically to the date selection.
Please note:
You should be changing the End date first. Otherwise you might end up with a start date that lies after the End date.
Should this happen you will see the message below. Simple click Ok and change the End date first, before then changing the Start date again.

Select the property / properties you want to check from the drop down menu.
When Select is selected, the data for all properties will be shown.

If specific instructions from the guest need to be added a booking, e.g. bed configuration, special requirements etc., they will be displayed with selecting this option.
The option will show in green, text and border, when it is selected.

Search result without the option to show custom form fields selected.
Search result for the same date range with the option to show custom form fields selected.
When all required options have been selected click Search to get the relevant bookings.
Display options
There are several different ways to display the order of bookings that have been found with the filtering options.

In the display section there are several different option in which order the bookings can be shown.
On the left hand side there is the option to arrange the bookings going by either the Arrival or the Departure date.
Arrivals will be a underlined in green to show that arrival date is being used to order the bookings.

When ordering the filtered booking by the arrival date, this date will determine the place within the list of bookings, where each individual booking is being shown.
The arrival date will appear in black.
The departure date in contrast will be a light grey.

Departures will be a underlined in green to show that arrival date is being used to order the bookings.

When ordering the filtered booking by the arrival date, this date will determine the place within the list of bookings, where each individual booking is being shown.
The arrival date will appear in light grey.
The departure date in contrast will be a black.

This option allows you to download a report in PDF format. Which can then be printed out or used to display on a device.

These are the main options, which will mostly all be selected when creating a report for the housekeeper. Tick any that apply.
The colour of the heading banners for Arrivals, Departures, Stayovers and Out of Service can be freely selected. See section 3.3 Heading Background Colours for more details.

As provisional bookings might not require the service of a housekeeper, they can be excluded from the exported report.
There are four headings, Arrivals, Departures, Stayovers and Out of Service for which a specific background colour can be selected.
Advise / Tip:
If you don't need specific colours for the different headings, simply use the default ones. This will save you potentially a lot of time trying to set different colours up.
Please note:
These coloured banners are only showing in the exported PDF, not in the the housekeeper report as such.
Below is a screenshot of an exported PDF, which has the default colours applied to the heading backgrounds.

There are several different ways to change the colour.

Click into the colored square to open the colour editing tool.

This opens the colour field.

Use the pre-seletcing slide to roughly select the colout

Moving the circle in the colour field allows you to select the colour wanted.

Saving is not required. When you have selected the required colour you only need to click elsewhere on the screen to shut the tool.
Colours can also be sefinced by using hexadecimal codes. They were developed for the use in connection to websites.
The numbers 0-9 as well as a-f are being used for hexadecimal numbers.
These are some colour examples and their hexadecimal values.

All you need to do to change the colour is changing the hexadecimal code following the #. When that has been done, hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

When clicking onto the small pipette a circle will appear with allows you to select any pixel, and with that its colour, visible on your screen.

The selection circle has been moved away from the colour editing tool and is providing the option to select a colour from anywhere on the screen, including the desktop, outside of the browser used to work with SuperControl.

Select the pixel (square) with the colour required and click.
The colour will be selected and the colour field, pre-selection slide and current colour circle will be automatically updated.

This option provides the facility to set colours using the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) or HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) colour space, as well as entering hexadecimal codes.
To change between the different description modi, use the up/down arrows to the right.

Once you have made the required changes to get the colour you wnat, hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
The colour will be selected and the colour field, pre-selection slide and current colour circle will be automatically updated.
In order to reset the colour for a heading background, e.g. after trying several colours, but wanting to start afresh, simply click Clear.

There are two options to generate the report: a condensed and a non-condensed version.
The toggle in the bottom right hand corner provides the option to select the required version.

3.4.1. Full report
The full report is showing every single day within the searched date range. Regardless, if there is anything the housekeeper needs to know, or not.
All headings are being shown, even if they are not relevant for that day.
Each day is on an individual page.
- date rages starts on the 27.12.
- the first arrival is on the 30.12.
- a property is out off service from the 30.12.
The report is showing the dates 27.12. - 29.12. with only the headings, but no further information.
The total number of pages is 15.
For the 30.12. all headings are showing, but only the Arrivals and Out of Service section contain data.
3.4.2. Condensed report
The condensed report is showing only those dates within the searched date range, where there is information the housekeeper needs to be aware of.
Only the headings of the sections containing data are being shown.
The days are continuing one after the other, using the whole page space available.
- date rages starts on the 27.12.
- the first arrival is on the 30.12.
- a property is out off service from the 30.12.
The report starts with the 30.12. and the next entry (the next date) is directly beneath the first.
The total number of pages is 8.
When you click Generate PDF, a black screen with the following message will appear:

Once the PDF has been created it will be downloaded to your computer and this message will appear instead:

Click onto the link Back to the housekeeper report to return to the original housekeeper report page.