To change your password on SuperControl, go to Admin > Login users > Edit. Enter a new password alongside your user email and user name.

Your password needs to be a minimum of eight characters, and it must be updated every 90 days. You will be sent a reminder within the time period to let you know your password is due to expire. Your password cannot be the same as previous passwords used over the past 12 months. It must contain lower case, upper case, numbers, and special characters (e.g. %*#).
Last login - the date and time of the user's last login is recorded here automatically.
Password last changed - the date that the user's password was last changed.
Login timeout (minutes) - the number of minutes after which the login session will automatically timeout when left idle. The default is 60 minutes. You can alter this but we recommend you should only change it to a shorter time frame.
Hide card numbers - you should hide card numbers for all login users not responsible for payment processing.
No - login user can view customer card details.
Yes - login user cannot view customer card details.
Download DB - You can choose to give the chosen login user to have access to download data reports.Please note only the default user has access to update this option from Yes to No.
Edit - click to edit the login user's details.
Menus - restrict or expand the SuperControl navigation available to the user.
It is vital that you follow strict security protocols when setting passwords for your SuperControl account. A strong password policy is required as part of the PCI DSS. You also have a legal duty to protect your customers' sensitive data.
When adding passwords in SuperControl it will ask you to choose a strong password with the following criteria:
At least eight characters long
You cannot re-use a password for at least 12 months
Passwords cannot contain common dictionary words, six characters or more in length
It must contain three of the following:
Lower case letter
Upper case letter
A number
ASCII special character (e.g. %*#)
In addition to this, the system will also require you to change your password every 90 days.