1. You can set up additional login users for your SuperControl account and allow different levels of access. Go to Admin > Login users.
2. Enter the login details:
- Email address
- Username
- Password (case sensitive)
Please note:
Your password needs to be a minimum of eight characters, and it must be updated every 90 days. You will be sent a reminder within the time period to let you know your password is due to expire. Your password cannot be the same as previous passwords used over the past 12 months. It must contain lower case, upper case, numbers, and special characters (e.g. %*#).
3. Select the access level you wish to allow.
Super Admin access allows you to set up other users and have access to all system functionality available to your licence type. The primary user, typically the business owner, has this level of access.
Admin users have access to all system functionality apart from setting up other users.
Read Only users can view all of the information within your SuperControl account without being able to edit it.
4. Click on the Security questions button to set-up security questions.
5. Click "Add".
By ensuring all Admin users are listed on the account, you will be able to keep a log of the history of each booking with the associated username, i.e. you can track who has made changes to a booking.
Other kinds of users have their own specific login portals. Housekeepers for example, are set-up using a separate login process. Agency accounts can also set-up their Owners with their own specific login too.
How do I change the menus a user can see?
To do this, ensure your login access level is set to "Super admin" in Admin > Login users.
If you're not set to this access level please ask your "Default user" to change this setting for you.

1. Go to Admin > Login users.
2. Click on Menus next to the login username you wish to edit menus for.

3. Select Auto update = No.

4a. To select the main menus visible to the user tick / untick the box to the right of the menu name.

4b. To select the sub menus click on the blue button with the white cross and tick / untick the required men
Every blue button with white cross opens or closes another set of menus.

6. Click Save.
The Auto Update box needs to be set to "No" for only the limited menus to show to the user.
To revert the menus back to their default full selection you need to change Auto Update box back to "Yes" and Save.