Help Centre

Why is my Vrbo (HomeAway) listing not live?

Updated on

If your listing is not live or updating on Vrbo (HomeAway) you can check whether any errors are causing this. To check go to Integrations > Channel manager > International > Vrbo (HomeAway) and click on Full integration > I have a valid company registration number.

If there is an issue with any of your listings, you can check for errors here.
An example would be:

In this case you need to ensure your Headline field in your Vrbo (HomeAway) data ( click your property name in this page for a quick navigation to your Vrbo data page) has the correct number of characters. Once this is done the error will disappear and it should then show a green tick to highlight your listing is now OK:

If the green tick is showing but there is still an issue please contact [email protected].

Please note it can take up to 24 hours for your changes to publish across to Vrbo (HomeAway).

Other areas you can check are:

  • Ensure your have your terms and conditions added (Admin > Terms and Conditions)
  • Have seven or more photos uploaded
  • Ensure photo resolution sizes are a minimum of 1024 x 683 pixels, better still would be 1920 x 1080 pixels.
  • Have five or more Listing features ticked
  • Have 50 or more characters in the "description" field
  • Have 70 or more days availability over a 12 month period

Should the listing fail to meet any of the above it will be auto-rejected.

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