1. The guest who placed the booking will receive an email requesting that they place a review.
2. A second email is sent after 7 days if the guest has not placed a review.
3. The guest places a review via the review request form.
4. Next, the property owner/manager is notified by email that a review has been placed.
5. Login to your SuperControl account to view details. Go to Integrations > UpFront Reviews > Reviews ("View" then click on the review "Ref").
6. At the same time the reviewer receives an email thanking them for their review. The property owner/manager has 48 hours to check that the review is appropriate. The review goes live after 48 hours if uncontested by the property owner.
7. The reviewer will receive an email confirming their review has been published.
For more handy tips on how to make the most of Upfront Reviews, watch our webinar.