1. Once you have contacted Opayo (Sage Pay) for an account please send your Opayo (Sage Pay) vendor name to SuperControl support.
2. Our support team will then forward you an email to send to Opayo (Sage Pay) to allow them to enable all functions within your Opayo (Sage Pay) account. Please be aware that there is a £120+VAT charge for us to complete your Opayo set up.
3. Once Sage Pay confirm all functions are enabled, our support team will set Opayo (Sage Pay) live within your SuperControl account using your vendor name.
4. Then go to Integrations > Online payment gateways > Opayo (Sage Pay). Scroll down and you will see the below. Enter your user name and password here and save. If you are unsure of your credentials, please contact Opayo (Sage Pay) by clicking here.

Please make sure that you enter the admin user name and password for the live instance of your Opayo (SagePay) account.
The test credentials or credentials for a user who doesn't have admin level access to the Opayo (SagePay) account will work but create an error message.
5. Please let SuperControl know once you've done this, we can add the IP addresses and confirm that you are all set up.
6. You can then enable your card types by going to Admin > General details and tick your card payment options.
Tick “Show to public” to allow the guest to select these payment types when booking online.

7. Scroll down to the heading "System settings" and tick "Show payment link in booking summary". This enables guests to pay online via a payment link when you send them a copy of their booking summary by email.

8. Click Save.
9. You’re now ready to start taking payments! Click here to see how to take payments within SuperControl.