You can upload your logo into SuperControl, which can then easily be added to your email templates using a tag. It will also appear in the booking summary sent to guests when they place a booking via your website.
1. To upload your logo, go to Admin > Logo Upload.
This is where you should upload and save your company logo.
Please note:
If you have more than one site ID, you can use a different logo for each site as well as a main one.

2. Click Choose File to upload a file to SuperControl.
3. Once you have done this click Upload new logo.
Please note:
The size of the logo should not exceed 1MB.
Please note:
You can only have one Main logo, which will apply across all sites. If you need different emails to have different logos, upload them as images in the template instead.
Guest Login: How do I display a different logo for each Guest Login site?
If you have multiple sites set-up within your account you can allocate different logos to the Guest Logins for each of the different sites by simply selecting your chosen site from the drop down menu:

You will also see a history of your logo uploads will appear underneath and you will have the option to use a historic logo, add a historic logo to your booking summaries or delete it:
For OWNER/AGENCY users: You can tag your logo within your email templates so the logo pulls through by default at the top of your template.
If you are having problems with logo upload, it could be caused by the file name. Try removing any spaces from the file name and upload again.
If uploading multiple logos please be aware that the same filename cannot be used twice due to database conflicts. Changing the file name slightly resolves this issue