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How can I download all of my SuperControl data?

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1. Go to Admin > Maintenance > Download database.

2. Tick what tables you would like to download and click Download database.

3. The next screen will run through the exporting process.
Once the creation of the file to be downloaded has completed click Download database.

Please note:
The file that is being downloaded is a Zip file.
Contained within the Zip file are a number of CSV files.
The password will be required to open these CSV files.
An email will also be sent to you which includes this password.

Exporting data from SuperControl when data contains extended characters:

When exporting reports or other data to create Excel and/or CSV files extended characters might not display correctly in the created file.
Examples for extended characters: é ñ ĝ ä ǰ ḁ ṓ

Extract the CSV files from the Zip file and before using the descriptions below how to make sure the extended characters display

Method 1 - Conversion using Notepad

1) Open the CSV file using Notepad, or any other text editor of choice.
2) Click File > Save As.
3) In the dialog window that appears select ANSI from the Encoding field.
4) Click Save.
5) Open this new CSV file using Excel.

Method 2 - Importing directly into Excel

1) Open Excel on its own.
2) Click File > New.
3) Select the  Data tab.
4) Click the From Text/CSV option. Select the CSV file you downloaded from SuperControl.

Excel will display Text Import Wizard.

5a) Make sure that the field File origin  is showing 65001 : Unicode (UTF-8).
If something else is showing, please use the drop down menu and select the option. IT is most likely at the bottom of the drop down list.

5b) The field with the heading Deliminator should be showing Comma as the selected option.
Again, if it is not, please select this option from the drop down menu.

6) Click Transform data in the bottom right corner.


Use the Numbers application instead of Excel to open the CSV file.

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