A Special Offer is a way to offer a discounted stay for specific dates.
For example, if you have you have availability in late autumn and want to attract guests for this time, you can choose to create special offers for this period.
All your special offers can be displayed on their own page using the integration links provided under Admin > Website integration > Additional contents > section Link to the availability search.
It's a great way to display all your special offers in one place.
- To create a special offer go to Bookings > Availability search.
- Select the dates you want to create your offer for. Choose any other filters/options as required
- Click Search.
You will see a table of available properties.
Depending on the settings of the found properties you will see different messages.
The arrival day, 01.10.2023, is a Sunday and the stay should be for 6 nights.
- The property is available, bit it has a minimum number of nights of 7, as no short breaks are allowed. For this reason there is no price showing.
- You can still create a special offer for the property, if you want to offer it regardless of the restrictions.
- The start day for this property needs to be a Friday and it also doesn't allow short breaks. Though, you can offer the property, if you decide to do so.
- The property allow Sunday as a start day and short breaks. This property is showing a price.
- If a discount has been set up and would be applicable for the dates / length of stay searched for, the result will show the original price and the discounted one.
- This property doesn't allow week long stays, only short breaks.
- Add prices and tick the Attach to quote box for the properties you want to create the special offer for.
If you want to create a special offer for all properties, you can use the tick box in front of Attach to quote to select all at once.
4. Click Add to special offers.
5. On the next page you can add further details and/or amend the special offer.
When the guest is booking the special offer and this option is ticked, the "was" price in the booking cart will be original price.
The discount will neither be applied nor will it be shown in the booking cart.
Also, the discount is not being included in the end price showing to the guest.
- the original price is £1000
- there is a 10% discount
- the special offer is for £850
In the attached PDF with the quote the guest will see the original £1000 and the special offer price.
If the special offer has been created for a specific number of guests originally, this number will be forwarded here.
Though, you can amend the number of guests, should this be required.
If you only want the special offer to pull through for 6 people and 6 people only(!) then select 6.
If you want the special offer to pull through regardless of how many occupants will be entered when the booking is placed, then leave this as 0.
If a default photo has been set for the property in Properties > Edit > Photos to the right of the property > Go, then that image will display here.
Please note:
The default image does not have to be the first one in the photo gallery. It can be any one of them.
5. To view your Special Offers go to Vouchers/Offers > Special offers.
The Special Offers link can be added as a clickable button on your website to display your current offers. You can obtain your special offer link via Admin > Website integration > Additional content.
See below an example of a special offer page:
Here you can add any further information for your guest.
You can, but don't have to add anything in this field.
6. Make sure, you click Save.
Please note:
If you have set a minimum price in the price planner, your special offer can not be below that minimum price.
The minimum price is set to £500 in the price planner.
You have created a special offer for this property for £450
If a guest is now trying to book this special offer, they will be quoted the £500 minimum price, not the £450 special offer.
Please note:
There is an issue with the display of the special offer price in connection with a minimum price.
The special offer price will be showing on the initial page, when the guest is selecting their dates, number of guests etc.
But on the next page the minimum price will be showing instead of the, too low, special offer price.