Using the 'Custom Background' settings when generating a voucher code allows you to upload a custom background for your PDF vouchers. This ensures that your vouchers reflect your business branding.
1. Go to Vouchers/Offers > Generate vouchers .
2. Generate a Voucher by inputting the voucher settings that you require. Click here for help with these.
3. Under the "Custom Background" section, click 'Choose File'. This will enable you to upload your custom background.
4. You can choose whether to keep this as a one-off background, for this particular voucher only, or to make it a default background. If you tick 'Use as default template for all vouchers' then next time you generate a voucher you will see that the template has remained in the system, so you do not need to re-upload.
5. If you wish to change your default voucher background, just generate a new voucher, click choose file, upload a new background, tick the default box and then press generate.
We recommend that your voucher backgrounds exclude text from their central area, since when the voucher is generated this is the area where the voucher text will be added. Sizing guidance for uploads and the area where text displays can be accessed by clicking 'Sizing Guidelines'.
It is not possible to change the typeface or colour of the individual voucher text. The text will always display in black. We recommend avoiding very dark backgrounds for vouchers for this reason.
4. Once generated, if you wish to see what the voucher looks like, you can click "View PDF" in your list of vouchers.
5. Once generated, you can then send the voucher to the guest.
The "Custom Background" function can also be used when generating a voucher in an individual booking, just go to the 'Generate Documents' tab in the booking and follow the steps above.