1. First you need to navigate to the booking.
If you know the booking number, click on the Search button at the top right of the SuperControl page and enter your booking number.
2. Ensure the guests' address details have been added to the booking.
3. Select your payment method.

4. Enter the card details of the guest's credit or debit card.

5. Tick the payment you wish to take (Deposit, Balance or both).
6. Make sure you tick the box in front of Process online using HolidayRentPayment

7. Click Save at the top right hand side of the customer payment field.

A pop-up with the response from your payment processor will appear.
This means that the payment has been successfully been processed.

8. Click OK.
An entry will be added for the successfully processed payment. This entry will show the reference number of the process.
You can tell, if a card has been authorised to be used for further payments by looking at the referenced card number:
If there is blue card icon behind the card number, the card has been enabled to process future payments.
If it is grey, it can’t be used for any future repeat payment option.
When the time comes to process the balance the card is already registered to take repeat payments.

9. To process the balance tick Balance paid.
10. For the Payment method select the card previously used to process the deposit.
11. Tick Process online using HolidayRentPayment.
12. Click Save

13. You should receive a SUCCESS message, click OK.

Please note:
Always ensure your online payment entries in the customer payment tab include a HolidayRentPayment reference number.
This proves the transaction was successfully processed.
If there is no reference number, the payment was not correctly processed.
You can delete this and try again.