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How can I generate a Housekeeping Report and email it to my housekeepers?

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How do I generate a housekeeping report?

1. Go to Bookings > Charts & Reports > Housekeeping report.

2. You can select to run the report for specific housekeepers or properties by clicking on the names. By not selecting anything this means you report will run for all housekeepers/properties.

3. Tick what bookings you would like to display and specify a date range.

4. Click Modify options to select what information should display in the report and save.

5. To generate as a PDF select if you would like the report to display in portrait or landscape. If you have chosen to display more information, the landscape version is a more suitable option.

6. Click Generate.

How to email your Housekeepers their Arrivals & Departures

1. Go to Bookings > Charts & Reports > Housekeeping report (bulk).

2. Enter a date range and select your cover email (to create your own cover email click here for instructions).

3. Tick what you would like to show in the report and click “Show advanced options” to include additional information and select your page orientation.

4. Click Filter.

5. To send all housekeepers their arrivals/departures report, click “Email--All”.

6. The email will now be in your email queue.

7. Once you’re ready to send, click “Send Emails Now”.

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