Discount notes show on the website calendars Book Now pop-up. These notes don't have to be discount related, you can add any text you want to show to your guests to encourage them to book.
N.B. The notes will not show on custom calendars using the API.
Discount notes section for guest notices
To add discounts notes go to Properties>Edit>Discounts. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
Enter your notice to show to guests and click Save.

The guest will choose their start day on the calendar and the book now pop-up will show.
This is how your discount notes show to the guest booking:

Date limited discount notes will also show on the book now pop-up too. (Agency and API users only)
These are found again in Properties>Edit>Discounts. Enter your notice to show to guests, select the date range you want this notice to show and then click save.
Date limited discount notes will show only over the date range you input. If you have discount notes AND date limited discount notes, these can show at the same time.
If so, the date limited discount notes will show underneath the discount notes on a separate line.