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How do I convert my enquiry into a booking?

Updated on

  1. Go to Enquiries > View / Edit.
  2. Select all relevant filters. Or none, if you want to see all enquiries.
  3. click onto the enquiry reference number, of the enquiry you want to convert into a booking.

4. On the next page, scroll to the bottom. You see the New booking section on the right hand side.

You will see either a reference to a property or none is mentioned.

5. Click New booking.

6a. You might see a message re the availability options for the property. Click OK.

You will be presented with the same form as is used for the creation of an Admin booking.

6b. When no property was selected previously for the enquiry, you will be prompted to select an arrival date.

The calendar you normally see when adding an Admin booking appears.
Make sure the correct property and year is selected.
Click onto the day that will be the arrival date.

From here on it's like adding an Admin booking.

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