It is possible to automatically add break days in-between bookings to facilitate deep cleans or allow for extended time in between changeovers. This obviates the need to add individual bookings manually before and after guest bookings to block of days.
Please Note:
This feature must be enabled by SuperControl Support before you can begin setting it up.
Please contact [email protected] so that we can enable this feature for you.
1. Go to Properties > Edit > Settings > Go.
2. Scroll down to Calendar display settings> Break days bookings.

3. If you click on the Manage settings button, you will see a pop-up appear as shown below.

4. Enter the number of days between bookings that you wish to add and then click Save and setup.
Once this has been applied, you will see the success message below. Close the pop-up by clicking on Close.

5. If the number of days you have entered cannot be applied to certain existing bookings then you will see the message below appear. You will see a list of those bookings that will not apply the full length blocking to and you can click on each booking link and it will open the booking up in a new tab.

Please note:
New bookings however will only be allowed to be placed, if the full number of Break Days are available to be blocked off before and after the actual booking.
3 days are to be added before and after a booking.
Booking A is departing on the 14.07.
Booking B is arriving on 16.07.
There are only 2 days between the bookings.
When Booking A is added to SuperControl there are only two available days left until the guests from Booking B arrive.
The full number of Break days can not be added.
As many days as possible are added. In this case this means that all days between the bookings become unavailable.
Please note:
You must individually set up the break days for each property.
This also goes for properties, which are part of a property group.
The Copy to all function is not available for this setting.
6. You can also set a date after which you wish the break days no longer to apply.
For that click onto the calendar icon to the right of the date. A drop down calendar will appear. Use the arrows to scroll up and down the months and then click the date.
(Please note: the drop down might be looking differently depending on the browser you are using)

Make sure to click Save and apply once you are happy with the settings.
A message will appear stating, if the adding of the break days (blockage bookings) was successful.
Click Close.

You will be able to view your break bookings by going to Bookings > Grid view.
Please note:
Break day bookings added will not apply to past bookings, just any existing bookings already in your calendar from the day you set it up and going forward.

7. Break day bookings will automatically show as Property closed bookings. By default the color of property closed booking's in SuperControl is green. You can change the color of these bookings by clicking on Grid defaults.
Please note:
Changing the color of the property closed bookings will change the color for ALL property closed bookings, not just break day blocks.

Alternatively if you prefer you can also view your bookings in the price planner (Properties > Edit > Price planner).

Also in Properties > Edit > Availability.

All break bookings don't show any guest names, but instead Blockage Booking as shown below.
Please note:
You can't edit the guest details in a break day / blockage booking.
Break bookings WILL:
- Allow you to manually edit the number of nights and even cancel the booking all together. (on an Individual basis only)
- Cross-update to other properties within the same SuperControl account and across multiple SuperControl accounts. (They will also apply to property sharing if you are using this.)
- Show as unavailable on your front end calendars.
- Update channel availability.
- Automatically adjust if the actual guest booking dates are changed.
- Automatically be removed if the actual guest booking is cancelled.
Break bookings WON'T:
- Trigger any automated e-mails.
- Have any impact on occupancy figures or reports.
If you need to remove the break days, please see this help centre article.
If you want to change the number of break days, please see this help centre article.