Copying Prices
Please note, prices can only be copied to and from Enabled properties. The properties must also use the same pricing model as each other ('Daily Prices' or 'Length of Stay').
Copying Prices and Short Breaks will not affect any existing bookings.
Possible scenarios for using this function:
- copy the prices from one year to the next for the same property
- increase the price for a property in the same year / the coming year
- copy prices from one property to another for the same or following year(s)
This is the duration for which you want to copy your prices.
It can either be full years or you can select individual or a consecutive range of month.

Select the property you wish to copy prices from and then your property you want to copy the prices to. The properties can either be different properties, or they can be the same property.
Agency only
If you have an agency account, you will see further options re copying to owners.
- copy prices to all properties of the same owner
- copy prices to all properties of a different owner
(could be used when one owner has several properties, which are managed under different "owners")
- copy to all (owner) properties
When using price bands the price can also be copied to properties using the same price band.
You can increase or decrease your prices by a set percentage or fixed amount.

If using Percentage, it is possible to get rather odd figures. To prevent this use the option Rounding.
Specify Price rounding to '0 decimals', when only round figures should be used.

As the days of the week change every year for the dates these fall on, SuperControl is auto-adjusting this when copying prices from one year to the next.
By default this tick box will always be ticked and the date change fields will be disabled when copying prices.
Should you need to adjust your prices manually you can do so by unticking the box and using the options below.

The system will only copy any prices between the 01/01 and 31/12. Its not possible to copy price bands that overlap a year. This means, if your price band starts in one year and ends in the next, no prices past the 31/12 will be copied.
The graphic below illustrates this. When copying past the 31/12, the system would find two price bands to be implemented in January. The one from January of the year to be copied and also the January of the price band which extends beyond the end of year.

Using the Copy Prices and Copy Short Breaks function can be a great time saver. It can also be used if you wish to uplift all your prices, or if you want to copy a particular short break set-up to all your properties.