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Price bands : How do I enable price bands?

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Price bands allow you to group properties together that have the same pricing. It enables you to easily copy prices from one property to multiple properties if they fall within the same price band.

It is only adviseable to use this method of adding pricing if you have several properties which share exactly the same pricing.

  1. Go to Properties > Price bands.
  2. Enter a price band name, e.g. Price band A and click Save.

Please note:
It is not possible to use several words, separated by spaces.

Price Band Spring will be showing as PriceBandSpring

It would be better to use something like Springtime o.s.

  1. Next go to Properties > Edit > Go for the property, you are setting the price band up for.
  2. Scroll to the section Calendar display settings and select your price band and click Save.

Repeat this for all other properties that use this price band.

Copy prices to several properties

You can now copy your prices to all properties having the same price band allocated in one go.

  1. Go to Properties > Copy > Copy prices.
  2. Select your Source information property.
    This is the property you want to copy prices from:

Please note:
When a property has been associated with a price band, the name of the price band will be showing after the name of the property.

  1. In the section Copy to select the year you want to copy to, how many additional years the prices should be copied to and tick the option Copy to all price band 'Springtime' properties.
    The inverted commas you will enclose the name of the price band.
  1. If you would like to increase or decrease the prices you can do this under the heading Price Changes.
  1. Once all options have been selected click Copy prices.

Please note:
If the button Copy prices does not show, make sure you have entered the information for the property you want to copy to correctly (step 3. above).

Once the prices have been copied you will see a list of properties effected, containing a link you can use to check the property directly.

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