1. First you need to navigate to the booking.
2. If you know the booking number, click on the Search button on the top right of the SuperControl pages and enter your booking number.
You can also go to Bookings > Grid view. Once you load your grid you can click on the booking to take you into the main area for that booking OR you can go to Bookings > Search bookings and use the filter options to find your booking.
Please note: Do NOT just cancel the booking!
This will only cancel the booking for the property that is showing at that moment. You need to remove all properties bar one before cancelling the booking.
3. Click onto Remove property

4. In the pop-up choose, which monetary entries you want to set to zero or keep as is. then click Cancel property.

Depending on what kind of account you have, Plus or Agency, you might not see all of the above options.
The booking for this property has now been cancelled. As long as the booking is still live there is the possibility to re-enabled any already cancelled properties.

5. Once only one property is still active click the red "Cancel" button. If you don't charge a cancellation fee, click Cancel booking.
If you charge a cancellation fee, please see further info below.

6. You can choose to set prices to zero, remove options/extras and remove scheduled owner payments (Agency only) before you "Confirm cancellation".

If you charge a cancellation fee, tick the box in front of this option.

This will open new pop-up where you can select how the cancellation fee is going to be deducted. You will see each individual property, but only the properties for the still active part of the booking will be selectable.
There are three different options for the cancellation fee. Select the one appropriate for your business.
Then click Cancel booking.
Please note: You can only use funds that have not yet been refunded to the guest and still show in the customer payment tab.
You will see again the option to zero various options.
Click Confirm cancellation.

7. The page will refresh and you will have a Cancelled Booking stamp on the your screen:
All properties should show now as cancelled.
8. If your booking shows a negative balance, you can set this to 0 in the refund box and save.