Help Centre

Allow full payment to be made upfront

Updated on

If you want to allow your guest to pay the full amount due for their booking upfront, you can.
In order to enable this feature for you, please contact the Support Team using the following email address [email protected]. Or you can simply open a ticket from within your SuperControl account.

Once the setting has been enabled for you, you will see a new setting under Properties > Edit > Go > section Booking details. 

Please note:
This setting is a per property setting and once it has been enabled for you it will still be defaulted to No.

You must change this setting to Yes for each individual to enable your guests to see a Pay full amount option on the payment form.

Or you can use the Copy to all function in order to change the setting in bulk for all your properties.
Click the box in front of Allow full balance to be paid upfront and click Apply.

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