How to Cancel a Booking
1. First you need to navigate to the booking.
2. If you know the booking number, click on the Search button on the top right of the SuperControl pages and enter your booking number.
You can also go to Bookings > Grid view. Once you load your grid you can click on the booking to take you into the main area for that booking OR you can go to Bookings > Search bookings and use the filter options to find your booking.
3. Click the red Cancel button and click Cancel booking.

4. You can choose to set prices to zero, remove options/extras and remove scheduled owner payments (Agency only) before you Confirm cancellation.

5. The page will refresh and you will have a Cancelled Booking stamp on the your screen:
6. If your booking shows a negative balance, you can set this to 0 in the refund box and save.

1. First you need to navigate to the booking.
2. If you know the booking number, click on the Search button on the top right of the SuperControl pages and enter your booking number.

You can also go to Bookings > Grid view. Once you load your grid you can click on the booking to take you into the main area for that booking.
You can go to Bookings > Search bookings and use the filter options to find your booking.
3. Click the red Cancel button, tick Charge cancellation fee and tick your property name:
4. Choose what the cancellation fee should be. For example, should it be the full customer payment or should it be an additional amount calculated as as either a percentage or fixed amount:
5. If you select Customer Payment you will see the Fee box will default to the same amount that the guest has paid. You would choose this option if you are retaining the full amount the guest has paid as a cancellation fee.
6. Click Cancel booking. You can choose to set prices to zero, remove options/extras and remove scheduled owner payments (Agency only) before you Confirm cancellation:

7. The page will refresh and the booking will now show as cancelled.
If the total amount of funds have been retained as cancellation fee, the Full rate is sat to £0.00 and an entry is added reflecting the cancellation fee.
The original value of the booking is also showing at the top.

This method of processing a cancellation is useful when:
- The guest has made a part payment
- The guest is not being refunded
- The owner hasn't been paid
- Commission has been taken from the paid deposit and pay the balance to the owner
When to use the cancellation Fee (AGENCY ONLY)
This method of processing a cancellation is useful when:
- When the guest is not being refunded
- When the owner is not being paid
What to do if you need to claim funds back from the owner for cancelled bookings where the owner has already been paid. (AGENCY ONLY)
If a guest requests the cancellation of their booking, but wishes to put the amount already paid towards a future booking, for unspecified dates, this can be issued to them as a voucher code, which they can apply to a new booking.
If they have already made a new booking, and simply need the retained payment applied to that new booking, you can also do this for them.
If you would like to cancel a booking but retain what the guest has already paid, in order to put this towards a future stay, you can do so using a Voucher Code:
1. Go into the booking and click the tab Generate Document & Vouchers.
2. Create a voucher (for details how to do this, please see this help centre article).
3. Cancel the booking and forward the voucher code to the guest.
If you wish to free-up the booked dates for the moment, but the guest intends to re-book shortly, you can also move the booked dates to any span of free dates in the past, then change the dates again once the guest knows when they want to re-book, and contacts you directly to do so. This retains all the original details and payments on the existing booking. This article explains how to amend the dates on a booking.
There are two ways to do this:
1. If the guest is the same, you can just change the dates of the booking.. This will change the dates of the booking to new dates, but preserve the existing guest information, correspondence history and any payments already received.
2. If you do wish to create a new booking, but record the details of a payment made in a previous booking in it, you should use the 'Custom Payments' line in the customer payments section of the booking. We would recommend entering the booking number for which payment was received in the left hand box.
When you have entered the required information, click Save on the right. This records in the new booking, a payment that was received in a previous booking.
When you cancel a booking you may want the booking value to show as 0 if the guest has either been refunded or didn't pay yet, however its handy to see the original booking value so you can see the potential loss of the booking. We have factored this into your reports so you can view your revenue loss from cancelled bookings.
When cancelling a booking the below settings are ticked by default:

You can un-tick where necessary before confirming the cancellation.
"Set prices to zero" and "Remove booking extras" are ticked by default. If you confirm the cancellation with these ticked then the booking value and all extras will show as zero value. If you then re-instate the booking, the values will remain at zero and no prices will be reinstated.
If you un-tick "set prices to zero" and "Remove booking extras" then the values in the booking will visibly remain once it has been cancelled, so then if you were to re-instate the booking, the values will show exactly how they did before it was cancelled.
If you are using our Agency package you also have the option to keep any scheduled owner payments in the booking even after it is cancelled by just un-ticking "Remove scheduled owner payments".
Once the booking is cancelled you will be able to see the original booking value in the top right hand corner of the booking:
Please note: Original booking value = Total rent only. (This is the price from your price planner.)
It does not include any booking extras or any other fee's such as agent commission.
For any bookings that were cancelled before the date we added this feature you will see a restore button so you can restore the original booking value. This will also populate your reports to show the value of the booking before it was cancelled.

If for any reason it is not possible to restore the price of the booking, you will see this error message:

The original booking value can only be restored for Admin or Direct website bookings and will not be restored if the booking was through a Channel, API or iCal. If you find you cannot re-store the price of an admin or direct website booking then please contact support by submitting a ticket from within your account.
1. First you need to navigate to the booking.
2. If you know the booking number, click on the Search button on the top right of the SuperControl pages and enter your booking number.

You can also go to Bookings > Grid view. Once you load your grid you can click on the booking to take you into the main area for that booking OR you can go to Bookings > Search bookings and use the filter options to find your booking.
Please note: Do NOT just cancel the booking!
This will only cancel the booking for the property that is showing at that moment. You need to remove all properties bar one before cancelling the booking.
3. Click onto Remove property

4. In the pop-up choose, which monetary entries you want to set to zero or keep as is. then click Cancel property. Depending on what kind of account you have, Plus or Agency, you might not see all of the above options.

The booking for this property has now been cancelled. As long as the booking is still live there is the possibility to re-enabled any already cancelled properties.

5. Once only one property is still active click the red "Cancel" button. If you don't charge a cancellation fee, click Cancel booking.
If you charge a cancellation fee, please see further info below.

6. You can choose to set prices to zero, remove options/extras and remove scheduled owner payments (Agency only) before you "Confirm cancellation". If you charge a cancellation fee, tick the box in front of this option.
This will open new pop-up where you can select how the cancellation fee is going to be deducted. You will see each individual property, but only the properties for the still active part of the booking will be selectable.
There are three different options for the cancellation fee. Select the one appropriate for your business.
Then click Cancel booking.
Please note:
You can only use funds that have not yet been refunded to the guest and still show in the customer payment tab.
You will see again the option to zero various options.
Click Confirm cancellation.

7. The page will refresh and you will have a Cancelled Booking stamp on the your screen:

All properties should show now as cancelled.
8. If your booking shows a negative balance, you can set this to 0 in the refund box and save.

1. Go to Bookings > Cancelled bookings.
2. Filter by date range, site or source and click Filter. All filtered cancelled bookings will display in a table underneath.
3. To export this report to an Excel file click the “CSV” icon.
Alternatively, you can filter this information by going to Bookings > Search bookings.
1. Select your date range by “Cancelled date” and Booking status as “Cancelled”.

2. This report will allow you to filter by further parameters e.g. Property name, exclude owner bookings etc.
1. First you need to navigate to the booking.
2. If you know the booking number, click on the Search button on the top right of the SuperControl pages and enter your booking number.

You can also go to Bookings > Grid view. Once you load your grid you can click on the booking to take you into the main area for that booking OR you can go to Bookings > Search bookings and use the filter options to find your booking.
3. Click Reinstate and then click Reinstate this booking.

4. Click OK. The booking will now be activated again and will block off avilability on your calendars immediately.
Please note:
If you cancel a booking and set all values to zero, it means when you re-instate the booking the financial information will not be re-added. You will need to manually add these back in if required.
You can find these figures by going to the History & Correspondence section of the booking, and clicking on the Booking Summary Autoresponse originally sent to the guest.