Amenities allow your website visitors to search for properties with facilities that they require for their stay e.g. pet friendly, wheelchair access or hot tub. Enabling the guest to find their perfect property.
Amenities are also used as part of the full-content integration with some third-party channels such as Airbnb.
If you do not integrate with any channels using a full content integration, we would recommend to only use this functionality for non-API users with a large number properties.
If you have a small number of properties, it might be better to highlight the property features by organising them on your website by their particular features or facilities.
You do not have to create any amenity categories.
Though it might be easier to categories your amenities, in order to keep track of things when you have a large number of them.
They are also required, if you want to added a number of properties to the same amenity in one go instead of having to do it for each property individually.
1. Go to Properties > Amenities > Add/edit amenity categories to add your category names.
Location and Facilities are the most common categories that amenities fall under. This will then allow you to allocate your main amenities to the relevant category, e.g. Hot tub would be within the Facilities category.
2. When you have added your categories, you then add Amenities to each one.
Go to Properties > Amenities > Add/edit amenities.
3. Enter a name for your amenity.
4. Assign the amenity to its relevant Category from the drop down menu.
5. When you have set all your parameters, click “Add new”.
6. Repeat the steps above for all the amenities you want to add.

For API users:
You can edit the amenity on your website by adding an image or icon for the amenity. There is also content within this page that your web developer can complete. It is possible to use amenities to pull through property facility options on to the property pages of your website.
1. Go to Properties > Edit > select Amenities to the right of the property > Go.
2. Untick the amenities that may no longer apply and tick any new ones.
Once finished, click Save.
How can I apply amenities to multiple properties in one go?
If you want to add an amenity to all your properties at once, please see this help centre article.
How can I let guests refine their search using amenities?
We have a separate help centre article, which is explaining how you enable your guests to filter their availability search for specific amenities.