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How do I add my housekeepers and allocate them to properties?

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One of the easiest ways to use Supercontrol to save you admin time is to set-up our Housekeeper Login. 

If you have housekeepers, this allows them to see, at a glance, the arrivals and departures for any properties to which they have been assigned. This will help them to manage their own schedules, and also allows you to share key information with them (for example how beds are to be made-up), and they can run their own printable reports for any date range that they may wish. 

Step 1 - Add your Housekeepers
  1. Go to Admin > Housekeepers > Add Housekeepers.
  2. Add your housekeeper's details (add an email address and password in order to provide them with a login).  Setting a password for your housekeeper will allow the housekeeper to log in to their own Housekeeping area using log in details. 

Send email alerts - this will automatically trigger a notification email to a housekeeper once a booking has been placed. It will include limited details of the booking (booking number, lead guest name, number of people, property, booking status and dates).

Send email alerts when bookings are cancelledthis will trigger an email to the housekeeper once a booking has been cancelled.

Step 2: Select what your housekeepers can see in their log in
  1. Scroll down the page and select to Show or Hide certain parts of a guests booking if it is not needed

Please be aware!
If you select to hide provisional bookings from the housekeeper, the housekeeper will not be aware of these bookings and potentially not attend to a property they should have attended to.

Your housekeeper is wondering 'why there are so few bookings in my report?'
The setting for provisional bookings is checked and it turns out that provisional bookings are hidden.
Once the setting is changed the housekeeper has all relevant bookings in their report.

  1. Click Save.

AGENCY only:
It is also possible to add your Housekeeper as a supplier.

Step 3. Allocate your Housekeepers to their Properties
  1. Go to Properties > Edit > Go.

Please note:
Make sure you have the toggle for the advanced options move to ON.
Otherwise the section for the housekeeper will not display.

  1. Scroll down to the heading Housekeeper and click on the housekeeper you wish to choose.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

If you need to allocate multiple housekeepers to a property, hold down the Ctrl button and click each housekeeper name (if using a Mac select the command key whilst clicking on the housekeeper names).

How do I send my housekeepers their log in details?
  1. Go to Admin > Housekeepers > Edit housekeepers.
  2. Click Edit next to your housekeeper and ensure you have an email address and password entered:

Please note:
Your housekeepers will login via a different URL from your own Admin Portal. 
The Housekeeper Login  URL is:

3a. If these details are not added, enter them and click Save.
Then tick Send login details to housekeeper via email, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save again.

3b. If the housekeeper email address and password is already entered then just tick Send login details to housekeeper via email, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

  1. The housekeeper will then be sent an email like this:

Housekeepers can see notes added to particular bookings. This allows you to communicate with them easily to pass on important information. Click here to find out more.

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