Help Centre

The Onboarding Journey

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When you make the decision to start using SuperControl booking and management system, what happens next? How quickly can you expect to be up and running, and how much help will you get?

The Onboarding Team will send you an e-mail, which will contain your login details, training resources and a request to book an Introductory Call at your earliest convenience. This means you're ready to start!

Your First Contact from Onboarding

Once you have signed up with us at SuperControl, you will receive an email that requires action from you to get started.

Within the email you will receive your login details and a link where you can book your introductory call.

You will be assigned a board to use as a step-by-step way of getting your system up and running. Be on the look out for an email from, it is important to click the "accept invitation" button and this will prompt you to fill in your name and to create a password in order to access your personalised onboarding plan. We have a helpful article, explaining how is used during the setup.

Your Set-Up Checklist

You can get going straight away.  If you added information during a free trial, we can copy these details across to your new account for you, so you don't have to waste time doing it all again. 

Our online checklist will guide you through all the stages of setting up your account. This checklist is managed using You will receive a separate email with login details to this platform. 

Set-up is done with the assistance of our library of Help Centre articles. You will find links to these in your checklist, as well as at the top of the pages within your SuperControl account.

How should I communicate with the Onboarding Team?

If you have any questions or require any further assistance you can get in touch with the Onboarding Team by messaging through your board speech bubbles:

This allows you to ask us questions about specific areas of set-up. The team are here to help you Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. 

If you do require specific help during your set-up, where a one-to-one call would be appropriate, this can be done remotely using screen sharing software or over the phone with a member of the team. This should also be initiated via or your onboarding advisor's Calendly link which will be provided to you at the top of your board.

What happens when I have finished setting-up?

Once you have completed the various sections, to the best of your ability, you can tell the Onboarding Team that you are ready to arrange a final account health check. If we believe your account is ready for this we will arrange this for you.

The Onboarding Team will then make you aware of the other means of Support available to you once your system is up and running. 

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