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General Details : How do I add/edit my general details?

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The 'General Details' page is an essential part of your SuperControl account. This page holds the most fundamental settings, and stores the details of your business. It is really important to keep this page up to date since it is so key in tailoring your SuperControl account to your particular business needs. 

Entering contact details

Entering Contact Details

In the contact details section make sure you enter all of your company details. Ensure your email address is saved as this is where you will receive your booking notifications. The email address listed here is also where guests will contact you. 

Note- Your Company details will appear on the automated booking summary.

Additional booking email addresses - If you would like the booking notification emails sent to an additional email address, please enter the email address here. This email address will be hidden from the guests. If you do not need to do this, leave it blank. 

Additional enquiry email addresses - If you would like guest enquiry forms to be sent to another email address in addition to the primary email address, enter the email address here. Please separate each email address with a comma. If you do not need this, leave it blank.

Company registration number - This needs to be entered, if you are a limited company.

VAT number - This should be entered if you are VAT registered, so that the VAT number will be displayed on the Booking Summary sent to guests.

Sector - These are the options you need to select for categorising your properties. The categories are used for the integration with Airbnb.

Spoken Languages - Here you can select which languages you want your guests to know they can use for communicating with you.

Set-up options

Set-up options

Currency - Here you need to select the currency your business operates with and/or your guests will be paying in. All monetary figures will be in this currency.
It is not possible to use more than one currency for any one SuperControl account.

Use Different Descriptions for UpFront ReviewsThis setting allows you to set specific descriptions to appear against your properties when using UpFront Reviews 

Send SMS alerts - If you would like to use the SMS service, please enter your mobile telephone number here. You will be sent a short text message whenever an online booking is placed with details of the property, dates, and guest. For this service to work you will need SMS credits in your account. Click here to find out how to buy SMS credits. A small fee will be charged as shown below. You can leave this field blank to opt out of the SMS service.

Property list options - This is relevent for the OLD-STYLE CALENDARS ONLY. This gives the option to show your properties in a drop down list on your front-end  (customer facing) website calendar.  You can also hide other properties in the drop down list here by choosing "Hide list". 

Booking summary read receipt - Adds a "read receipt" to the online booking summary email so you can see if the email was received by your customer.

Gridview to use on mobile - This is relevent for the OLD-STYLE CALENDARS ONLY. Click the preview links to see how the calendar is displayed on mobile. All booking pages are mobile friendly and re-sized accordingly for mobile use unless the Desktop version is specified. Use the drop down menu to select which one you would like to use.

Default price planner start year The start year is the year you would like the price planner under each property to load automatically for. This is usually set to be the current year.

Payment options

Payment Options

Payment options - You need to tick all payment options which you accept. You need to have at least one option ticked in order to add bookings.

Any option ticked only in the first column, and not also ticked in the Show to Public column will be available for you to select in the customer payment tab in a booking, but the guest won't see these options.

If you work together with any (travel) agents, you need to ticket the boxes for them as well in the Show to agents column, to enable them to select the correct payment method.

Bank Transfer- We would recommend not ticking both 'Bank Transfer' and 'UK Bank Transfer' since this may prove confusing to guests. If you wish only to accept bank transfers from UK based guests, select 'UK Bank Transfer' only. If you are happy to accept international bank transfers, select 'Bank Transfer'. 

In either case, we recommend including these bank details in the footer of your Booking Summary.

Please Note: The Card options (i.e. Visa and MasterCard) are only available to you if you use an online payment processor. They will remain greyed-out until you integrate a Payment Processor with your SuperControl account.

The option Pay by Card is used when you wish to record payment taken via an external card terminal, outwith SuperControl. It is NOT a Card Processing option itself.

Custom payment type - Should you have specific payment options you want to use (e.g. internally) you can set up custom payment options as well.

PayPal - If you accept PayPal as a payment method, enter your PayPal registered email address in box provided. This will then show as a payment option for your guests online.

Clients within the UK/EU- DO NOT add a percentage suppliment. This is only legally useable by clients outwith the UK and EU. 

System settings

System settings

Send automatic receipt - If this box is ticked SuperControl will automatically send you and your guest a simple receipt by email when their payment is processed by HolidayRentPayment, or OPAYO.
Note: This is a very simple receipt and is not intended as a replacement for your form letters or the booking summary.

Spell checked enabled by default This enables the spell checking feature for the email template creation.

Allow website voucher payments to mark bookings as confirmed -  If a voucher code has been used to make the initial payment during the booking process, this setting allows those bookings to be marked automatically as 'Confirmed' if you wish.

If you are still setting-up your account, and wish to have the option to process balance payments and hold Security Deposits , please contact SuperControl so we can enable this for you. 

Property photos

Property photos

When you upload images SuperControl (under Properties- Edit- Photos) automatically resizes them. The system recognises the original size of the image and resizes the largest dimension. For example, a landscape photo will be resized to 500 pixels wide. You can also specify your own custom image sizes. These photo sizes only apply to your website; the photo sizes do not apply to channel websites.

The first photo uploaded, or the photo nominated as the 'Default Photo' will appear on the booking form when guest book directly with you. It is therefore important to upload a photograph of each property. This should be the most 'representative' photo of the property, to remind the guest what they are booking during the check-out process.

Additional Photographs only need to be uploaded to SuperControl if:
- you intend to create new third party listings via SuperControl on Airbnb,, VRBO or Tripadvisor.
You do not need them if you wish to connect existing listings
- you are using our additional API functionality. (which is provided at an additional cost) to facilitate website searching for properties. This is typically only needed by agency and owner clients with large numbers of properties.

Website booking form options

Website booking form options

Website booking form options allows you to customise what is shown to the guest on the booking form. For example, you can select to show arrival and departure time fields, and you also have the option to collect guest information such as name, age, and gender.

Show arrival/departure time -  Tick whether you would like this field to show on your booking form. This should only be ticked, if you want to display your specified arrival and/or departure time on your booking.
To allow the guest to fill out their own arrival/departure times tick the box for Arrival time compulsory field and Departure time compulsory field .

Your stated property 'Available from' and 'Departure by' times (shown in small script in the screenshot above) can be set on the settings page for each individual property (Property > Edit > Settings).  

Show company field on booking form - Tick to show a field for the guest to enter their company name on the booking and enquiry forms.

Automatically process balance options -  In the booking form you can give your guest the option to tick a box which will give the admin user permission to use the customers card for future payments.

Show address 2 field - Tick this to allow guests to enter an address that requires more fields.

Show mobile field - Tick this box to enable guests to leave their mobile number. You can also make this a compulsory option by ticking the box for it.

Collect additional guest info - This creates new fields based upon the level of occupancy you have set. You can use this to collect guest names, ages and genders. Ticking this option enables you to collect these details. More information on collecting guest names.

Describe why you need guest names / ages / gender - Let your guests know why you need the information you are requesting

Admin booking form options

Admin booking form options

Admin booking form options allow you to set the rating value and source value as compulsory field when adding an Admin booking.
Clients find adding the source value as compulsory helps as it prompts any colleagues to ask the guest how they heard about you before saving a booking. 

It is also possible to set here, if the tick boxes to remove monetary information from a booking when cancelling it.

  1. Guest rating value required
    Changing this option to Yes will make it compulsory for staff to enter a rating for each guest on a booking. Example ratings would be excellent or blacklisted.
    If you select Yes for this, don't forget to add your guest ratings before adding any existing bookings. Otherwise you won't be able to save the bookings you have created.
    Information on how to set up a guest ranting can be found in this article.
  2. Booking source value required
    This allows the guest to let you know where they have heard about you e.g. Google Search, Word of mouth, etc. Set this option to Yes, if you want to show the sources on the booking form. Make sure you have created your sources before setting this to Yes. Otherwise you won't be able to save the bookings you have created.
    Information on how to set up a booking source can be found in the article.
  3. Cancel booking options unchecked
    When a booking is being cancelled a pop-up appears allowing for the monetary information of the booking to be either kept or deleted.
    This option allows you to select, if the boxes in the pop-up are ticked or unticked by default.
Website enquiry form options

Website enquiry form options

Show brochure request - If ticked, this will show a brochure request on the enquiry form. This is only for postal brochures.

Show source dropdown - Tick if you would like to show the source (how the guest heard about you).  Source is recommended to be enabled as this is important information to gain.  The data can be used in a report (OWNER & AGENCY only) within Statistics > Customer booking sources.

PDF quotes expiry date This is how long you would like a quote to be left open. Choose between no expiry, one month, one week, two weeks, or one day.

PDF quotes expiry text - This text will appear only if the guest tries to book after the quote has expired. 

DAC7 settings

This option is especially important for agencies, as they will need to comply with the DAC7 taxation laws being implemented in late 2024.
Please add the name your company is legally registered under. This name could be different from the name you have been using as the company name for SuperControl so far.
It is possible to have a legal company name and a different one only used for you SuperControl account.

If there is a specific person who's email, or a specific company email you are using for all DAC7 communication in general (or just with your owners), please add it in this box.

Admin enquiry form options

Admin enquiry form options

Guest rating value required - Changing this option to "Yes" will make it compulsory for staff to enter a rating for each guest on an enquiry. Example ratings would be excellent or blacklisted.

Booking source value required - This shows where your guest has heard about you e.g. Google Search, Word of mouth, etc. Set to Yes if you want to show the source value on the admin enquiry form.

'Associate with website value' required  This is used mainly when you are adding existing enquiries. You can log whether the enquiry was an enquiry received via your website. If you would like this to be a compulsory field set this to Yes.
Normally it would be set to No as it may not be necessary to keep prompting you once your existing enquiries are added.

Number of photos to show on quote - Set the number of photos you would like to show on the quote.

Email addresses for automatic filing

Email addresses for automatic filing

This allows you to save a copy of any emails you send to your guests to their booking history in SuperControl. It keeps the email trail between you and the customer in one place.

To enable this function first you must save any email addresses you use to correspond with guests within the Email addresses for automatic filing box. Each email address should be saved on a separate line.

You can use this function in two ways: 

1. Directly from your own email account.

- go to your email account
- create a new email
- enter the email address of the guest as the recipient
- enter [booking number] in the first line of CC

For example, if I was emailing a guest and their booking number was 20, I would copy this to [email protected]

If you are copying other addresses in CC, ensure that is added first.

2. A quick way of sending an email to the guest is from within the guest's booking.

Here you can click the email address link within the customer address field.  This will automatically open your computer's default email account with the @scauto address pre-populated within the copy field.


The video below shows how to set up and use automatic email filing in a booking.

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