This article applies only if you choose to price your properties manually.
If you want to set up automatic and dynamic pricing instead, you can integrate with either Beyond or Pricelabs.
For more information about Beyond, use this link. For PriceLabs please us this help centre link.
Adding Pricing and Short Breaks is a key part of configuring your account. These settings tell the system what to quote when guests search for specific dates, as well as defining the minimum and maximum length of time they may stay from any particular arrival date.
Christmas prices
When setting up prices for the festive season, please be aware that the standard short breaks and pricing might not be the best way to achieve the required pricing.
You might need to use special prices so that guests can/can't book days over Christmas and New Year and the prices you want to charge are being quoted to the guests.
1. Go to Properties > Edit > Price planner to the right of the property > Go.
2. To add prices click into the field for the date your price band should start from the Prices row.

3. In the pop-up window, enter your last date (this should be the day before your next price band starts). Price bands can run for as long as you wish to offer that specific set of prices. They do not need to run for complete months.
Pricing Models
You can set-up pricing using one of two types of manual pricing models.
Length-of-stay pricing: This is where each weekday/weekend length of stay is priced separately, as shown below:

This can be specified by selecting 'Fixed-Price for number of nights' on the Settings page for each property. Then Save.
Daily pricing: This is where you set a price for each day individually, as shown below:

Short breaks are then priced as the sum of the individual nights involved.
For example:
Taking the above prices (in the screenshot) a booking for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday would be costing: £80 + £80 + £90 = £250
Please note:
When you have selected to use daily prices and have added a weekly price, you can quickly divide this weekly amount by 5, 6 or 7 and apply the result to all days of the week.
1. Add a weekly price>
2. Select the divider for your prices.

Then click the ÷by button and the amount entered for the week will be devided by the selected divisor and entered for all weekdays.
weekly price: £1400

There are two ways to calculate the weekly price.
The option Calculate Prices for each day needs to be either ticked or unticked depending on how you want to calculate the weekly prices.
A) Weekly prices are calculated as the sum of individual days
If the weekly price is to be calculated as the sum of the individual daily prices, this box needs to be ticket.
B) Weekly prices are set independently from the daily prices
If you want to set up a weekly price, which is not calculated as the sum total of the daily prices, you need to make sure that the option is not ticked.

4. Enter your weekly pricing and short break pricing, then Save.
N.B. Any stay including a Friday or a Saturday night would be classed as a 'weekend' rate, i.e. Thurs, Fri and Sat nights would be priced as '3 nights weekend'.
Note- if you wish to offer stays of longer than 7 nights, ensure that you have added pricing for 1 and 2 nights, even if you do not offer these lengths of stay for short breaks. The reason is that the system will calculate stays of longer than 7 nights as Weekly Price + Short Break Price. Therefore, for example, an 8 night stay would need a 1 night price in the Price Band to calculate the 8 night price.
Adding a 1 night price does NOT make a 1 night stay bookable. The allowed length of stay for Short Breaks is dictated by your Short Break bands.
1. Go to Properties > Edit > select property > Price planner > Go.
2. To add short breaks, click into the box for the start date of your short breaks within the Short breaks row.

3. A pop-up window will appear allowing you to enter an end date. Your settings within chosen under Properties > Edit > Go will automatically be pulled through.
The tick box Short breaks cannot extend beyond this date: If ticked, this would prevent a short break crossing over into an adjacent Short Break band.
Using the Minimum / Maximum table allows you to set the minimum and maximum number of nights for each day of the week that is being used as an arrival day.
The screenshot below shows a commonly used setup of allowing 4 nights arriving on Monday and 3 nights arriving on Friday.

If a guest will be able to stay longer than 7 nights, the 7+ needs to be selected in the Max days column.
Example below:
Arriving on Monday the guest needs to stay at least 4 nights and can then stay up to the number of days set as your Max duration for online bookings

Please note:
N/A means Not Available.
With this option selected for either the minimum number of days or maximum number of days, the day is not available as an arrival day or departure day.
If you have the custom departure grid enabled in your account, it means you can be in full control when it comes to departure days for your short breaks. If you require this option to be enabled within your account, please contact our support team using this email address [email protected].

3. On the left hand side you are presented with the Arrival days and along the top of the table you will see columns for Allowed departure days.
If you want to allow a guest to arrive on a Monday and depart on a Wednesday and Thursday only, you would tick the boxes in the row 1-7 nights.
If you allow a 7 night booking from a Monday, and the guest can book also multiple weeks arriving on Monday, the box for Monday needs to be ticked in the row 7+ nights.

The often used short break model arriving for 4 nights on a Monday and 3 nights on a Friday, but no week long stays are allowed would be set up as shown in the screenshot below.

It will then display like this to a guest in your calendar:
4. Once you have your short break settings complete for each day click Save.
5. To populate these settings to your Price Planner click Update short breaks for this property.

1. Go to Properties > Edit >Price planner to the right of the property> Go.
2. Click on your blue price band within your Prices row:
3. Update your prices as required and Save.
Repeat on your other price bands if necessary.
4. To update the length of your short break, click the green bar within the Short breaks row.
Printable prices allows you to see an overall view of all your prices on a property. You can also download them into a CSV file and then print them.
1. Go to Properties > Edit > Price Planner to the right of the property > Go.
2. Click Printable prices.

3. Select the year you wish to print (export) and click Go.

4. Once the prices have been loaded, click onto the small icon to the right of the Go button to export the data in a CSV-file.
A dialog window will open, asking you where you want to save the CSV-file.
This can then be opened in any spreadsheet.