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How can I let guests refine their availability search using amenities?

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Guest quite often look for properties that meet their specific needs. When using the availability search it is not default clear, which property that might be.
Here your created amenities come into play.

Please make sure that your properties are associated to all relevant properties.
How to allocate an amenity to a property, please see this help centre article.

1. Go to Properties > Amenities > Add / Edit amenities.

2. Check, if the amenities you want to make available for searching, do not show Category not enabled.
If they do, click onto Category not enabled.

Please note:
The Enabled for API in the colomn header only means that the system can use these amenities for the search.
It does not mean however, that you are needing to use the SuperControl API for this to work.

2a. tick the box in the display column and then save.

Please note:
The category needs to be enabled only once. The change will be propagated to all amenities in the category.
It doesn't matter for which amenity the change is made to enable the category.

3. All the amenities that should be available as a filter option need to have the option for Enabled for API (overall amenities) and  Enabled for API (overall properties) set to Yes (enabled).
To do this click onto the No in both columns.

The amenities are now showing a Yes. They will appear as filters in the availability search.

To make sure it is working correctly and all amenities to be used as a filter are available go to Admin > Web integration > Additional content > Link to the availability search (top section).
Click onto any of the availability search links.

In the new browser tab enter the search criteria and then click Search.

Above the properties that were found meeting the criteria, there is now another box showing the amenities.
Click any one, or more, of them.

The results will be automatically filtered according to what has been selected.

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