You might need to add custom questions or statements to your booking form and/or enquiry form to gather pertinent information, which can easily be set-up by following the instructions below.
For example, you may wish to ask how beds should be made up (double/twin), for the addresses of additional guests, or to create a compulsory check box to ensure that the guest assents to a requirement of booking.
1. Go to Properties > Booking and enquiry form fields.
2. Enter your Question label. This is the question you want to ask e.g. How would you like your beds made up? Is your booking for a party, special event or gathering?
3. You can add Help notes in case you need to provide additional information as to why you are asking the question.
4. Select your Question type.
Text field: Creates a single line text field that allows the guest to type in their answer.
Text area: Create a larger text box that allows the guest to type in their answer (better used if they have to provide lots of information).
Tick box: Creates a simple tick box if your question is an opt-in, opt-out style question.
Drop down: Creates a drop down of options for the guest to choose. If your question is a simple Yes / No, you can create this as a drop down option. For example: Yes / No
Text comment only: If you don't want the guest to provide an answer but you just want to include some additional information on your booking form, then this will enter your text as a comment only.
5. If you have multiple questions you can list them in a particular order by entering an Order on page (1 will display at the top).
6. Select if the question should be a compulsory field for the (Guest) on the online booking form and/or compulsory when adding an (Admin) booking.
7. You can select whether the question should display on the online booking form, online enquiry form or both.

If the question doesn't relate to all properties, you can specify certain ones by clicking "Limit to certain properties" (by default it will apply the question for all properties).
This will open a pop-up that is empty except for two buttons.

Click Show for All will apply the question to all properties. Make sure to click Save to apply the setting.

Again make sure you click Save after having selected the properties the question should apply to.

8. Select if the question should show on the owner summary (AGENCY only) and/or on the guests booking summary.
9. Select whether the question should display in the guest login.
10. Allow the guest to answer the question on the booking form, guest login or both.
11. You need to tick the box Show on site or the question will not appear on any forms. If you have multiple websites, ensure you tick ONLY next to the site you want to show the question on.

Click View booking form to give you a preview of how your questions will display:

This example shows how the custom questions appear on the booking form, with the help notes below them.