1. First you need to navigate to the booking for which you want to create a postal letter.
2. If you know the booking number, click on the Search button on the top right of the SuperControl pages and enter your booking number.
You can also go to Bookings > Grid view. Once you load your grid you can click on the booking to take you into the main area for that booking OR you can go to Bookings > Search bookings and use the filter options to find your booking.
3. Once you’re in the booking, click ‘History & Correspondence’ and select your letter from the drop-down list.
4. Click the ‘MS Word (now)’ option.

5. Choose whether to include the booking summary from the Customer Summary drop-down menu. You can either ‘Append’ or ‘Insert’ text into the summary. Append will display your text at the top of the page and the booking summary underneath. Insert will incorporate the letter into the booking summary. Please note: Append is the preferred option as it creates a more professional looking email.
6. Click ‘Generate’.
-> option 'MS Word (now) ' selected
A pop-up window will open, the Word document will be generated and downloaded to your computer (depending on your browser settings for downloading files)

Click onto the link and the file will be opened.
Check and amend the letter as required then print it out like any other document.
-> option 'MS Word (queue)' selected
A pop-up will open advising that the document has been saved to the "Print queue"

The print queue can be found under Emails/Letters > Print queue
Here you can select to print the created documents or delete them, if no longer required.