Please note:
Adding your subscription options is important to ensure you remain GDPR compliant.
The guest must opt-in to any marketing you may wish to send.
1. Go to Admin > Subscription options.
2. Click Add new.
3. Enter a Name - This is will be used as a reference only (not seen by the guest).
Enter the Text - Enter the subscription question e.g. Please send me special offers by email.
Enter the Type - This is the method you will contact the guest.
What does Double opt-in mean?
Ticking this box means that when a guest ticks to subscribe, they will be sent an email containing a validation link. Their consent for the subscription will not be allowed unless they click this link as well.
If you do not tick the Double opt-in field, the guest will be consenting to the subscription as soon as they tick the box on your online forms.

If you wish to use multiple methods to contact guests, you should set-up multiple subscripton options by repeating this process.
Where do my Subscription Options display?
On your website booking form they will display on the final page where your guest submits their booking. They will also display on the website enquiry form.
At the bottom of each email that is sent from MailChimp there is an “Unsubscribe” link. If a person clicks this they will be excluded from any future emails.
Always make sure you filter by “Subscribed = Yes” within SuperControl’s Database > Filter. This will exclude any non-subscribers from your mailing list.

1. Go to Database > Filter.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tick what subscription options to filter by:

3. Click Filter.
4. Click Download.

If you're a member of Premier Cottages then you will have locked subscription options.
This is because these options are provided by Premier Cottages and cannot be changed.