Ensure you have your letters set-up first before you schedule them. Click here for more information how to create an email template.
1. Go to Emails/Letters > Automated emails/SMS.
2. Click Add new group, enter a Group name eg. Guest emails and select how they should automatically apply.
All Bookings: the email will apply to all bookings.
Property Group Bookings: the email will only assign to selected property groups.
Property Bookings: the email will only apply to selected properties.
Owner(s) Bookings: the email will only apply to the bookings of specific owner(s)
All Owners Bookings: the email will go to all owner bookings
Depending which option is being chosen, a field with respective selection will open. Select all that apply.
Please note:
For multiple selection use the CRTL / Cmd key on your keyboard.
Click Add group.
3. To the right of the group select Add new letter > Go.
4. Select your letter eg. Balance reminder then click Add letter.

5. On the next page you can set up when the email is being sent and to which bookings it will apply.

It is possible to apply an email to only specific bookings, depending on where they originate.

Web bookings > bookings received from your own website
Third party bookings > the bookings are e.g. channel booking
Owner bookings > any booking added by an owner directly or by a user choosing to add a booking as owner booking
Admin booking > a booking added simply by a user of SuperControl
A letter has previously been assigned, but can be changed here, if required.
All letters that have been created can be selected.

You can select a wide range of possibilities when to send your guest communications depending on your requirements.

There are two option that allow for even more flexibility and time saving:
- Send when criteria is triggered
See below for more information.
- Send on balance due date
Using this options allows you to send a reminder letter when the balance is due without needing to use criteria.
If you allow last minute bookings, a guest might book after the emails would have been sent normally.
For these instances tick the Send on booking date if booking placed after this box.
The emails will be triggered at the time of booking when they would have otherwise not have been.

These allows you to select the number of days that are to used in conjunction with the Schedule date.
The maximum number of days is 365 (a year)

When the Schedule date is set to Prior to arrival and the Schedule days are 0, the scheduled letter will be send on the day the guest is arriving for their holiday.
The booking summary showing the financial details of the booking can either be inserted into the text of the letter or appended to the end of it.

You can send either an email to the guest or a SMS.

Auto emails are being sent automatically to guests, which have booking with Airbnb, when the email is set to send to Third party booking.
It is no longer necessary to set this up specially.
Schedule criteria

There is a wide range of possible criteria to choose from, including all the booking extras that have been set up or the third parties (channels) you receive bookings from.
To add a criterion, select it in the drop down menu and click Add.
The maximum of criteria is 4.
Once you have selected four criteria you will see a message regarding the need to remove one, before another one can be added.

There are three different ways to use different criteria together: And, Or , And not.
The top criterion is always the one that is leading the way.

-> The email is being sent when the deposit has been paid AND the guest has booked for the first time
all other bookings will show the message in the booking that the criteria have not been met and the email will not be send.

-> The email is being sent, if the deposit is showing as having been paid OR the guest is a first time booker.
Either of these scenarios will trigger the email to be send. If neither has been met, there is a respective message in the booking, and the email is not being sent.

-> The email is being sent when the balance is still unpaid, but only when it is NOT a booking received via Airbnb.
The email will still be sending for any other channel booking though.

-> This email will be send when
- the deposit has been paid
- the guest is a first time guest
- the booking status is still provisional
- when it is an Airbnb booking
The more criteria have been selected to more complecated it will get to determine when the email is supposed to be sent and when not.
Tip: For a balance reminder example you will only want this email to schedule if the guest has not paid their balance x number of days before arrival. If your balance is due 42 days prior to arrival, then you may want your schedule settings to look like this:

This letter shows the schedule settings to send a Balance reminder if the guest has not paid their balance 42 days prior to arrival.
6. Once your criteria is set choose any attachments to include (these will only display if they are uploaded into SuperControl. For instructions to upload attachments click here).
7. Select the recipients.
8. Click Update letter.
9. To add additional emails to the same group repeat the process above.
It is possible to pre-select attachments that are to be sent to the guest, e.g. directions.
You can either attach Global documents. How to add these to SuperControl you can find here.
You can also attach property specific documents. How to add these you can find here.

By default the Company name and default email will be showing to the email recipient.
It is possible to change this, if required in the Sender section.

There are six different groups of possible recipients:
- The guest
- the email in the booking will be used - Your company / yourself
- the email address under Admin > General details will be used - Owner
- the owner allocated to the property in the booking will be automatically chosen - Housekeeper
- the housekeeper allocated to the property in the booking will be automatically chosen - Contacts
- added under Admin > Address book > Add contact - Users
- any user set up in your account
All recipients can receive the email directly addressed to them, in CC or BC.

Auto email FAQ:
1. Go to Emails/Letters > Automated emails/SMS.
2. Click Add to existing bookings:
3. Select your filter options and what bookings should the letter group be applied to:

4. Click Add letter group.
5. Click OK.
6. You will then see a “Successfully processed” message appear, for example:

Warning: Please ensure you have all schedule settings for your letters correct before adding to pre-existing bookings to avoid any errors.
1. Go to Emails / Letters > Automated Emails / SMS
2. For the group that you want to remove emails from, click on the drop down on the right and select "Remove from bookings" > Go
3. Specify the date range of the bookings that you would like the specified emails removed from.
4. Tick the box next to each letter that you would like removed.

5. Click Delete and then close the window.
1. To set-up an automatic email to notify owners of a cancelled booking, you need first to set up a Cancellation email template. You can use tags to populate booking specific information if required.
2. You should then go to Emails/Letters- Automated Emails, and add your Cancellation template to a group,
then edit the letter and set the criteria for the auto email as pictured below.
3. Make sure to tick the box at the bottom next to 'Owner' in order to send it to the owner only

4. When you have done this, on the Automated Emails/SMS page again, click the 'add to existing bookings' button in the top right.