After creating a new letter group you need to add letters to it. Otherwise no letters in this group will be added to any booking and therefore not being sent to the guests.
1) Make sure the letter group has been apply to properties, property groups or owners.

2) To the right click onto the field Select action and choose Add new letter.

3) Select a letter from the list of created templates.

4) Click Add letter.
5) You will be forwarded to the page where you would schedule when the letter is to be sent.
Should you not yet wish to schedule it, you can go back to the main letter group page by clicking on Back to automated form letters.

Please note:
The letter will show as added to the letter group, but the scheduling has not yet been done.
This can result in letters not being sent to guests and to find out why might take some time.
It is recommened that you schedule your letters while adding them to their group.