When you have set up email templates that should show the property details for the booking, but fail to do so, please check the following:
- Go to Emails / letters > Edit.
- To the right of the email template not showing the property details, click Edit.
- Check, if these tags have been added to the template.
These tags should be at the very start and the very end of your template, enclosing all other text.

If they are missing, please add them.
4. Click at a beginning of your template text. The cursor (blinking vertical line) should be showing there.

5. Click onto the Tag icon.

Please note:
A pop-up will open.
Should yon not see any pop-up, please check the settings of your browser, as it might have been set to not showing any pop-ups.
6. Go to the Booking properties tab.
7. Click Add property section.

8. Close the pop-up again.
9. In your template there will be now the additional text for the tags

10. Copy / paste the {--booking_properties_end--} tag to the very end of your template