The Automatic Filing feature allows you to save a copy of any emails you send to your guests from outside of SuperControl to their booking history in SuperControl. It keeps the email trail between you and the guest in one place.
To enable this feature you first need to add any email address that is associated with your SuperControl account and from which you will contact the guest directly.
to do this go to Admin > General Details > scroll to the bottom of the page > Section Email addresses for automatic filing box
Each email address should be saved on a separate line.

You can use this function in two ways:
1. Directly from your own email account.
- go to your email account
- create a new email
- enter the email address of the guest as the recipient
- enter [booking number] in the first line of CC
For example, if I was emailing a guest and their booking number was 20, I would copy this to [email protected]
If you are copying other addresses in CC, ensure that is added first.

2. A quick way of sending an email to the guest is from within the guest's booking.
Here you can click the email address link within the customer address field. This will automatically open your computer's default email account with the @scauto address pre-populated within the copy field.

The video below shows how to set up and use automatic email filing in a booking.