Please note our integration with MailChimp is no longer available.
Though you can still filter your Supercontrol Database and export the records and then import them into MailChimp to mass send emails.
How to filter your database video
You can use this function to filter records of all past bookings, or, if required set the date range to cover all future bookings only, if you need to send a mass email to all guests due to arrive within a specified period.
1. Firstly create a "List" in MailChimp. A list is a name associated with the email you will send e.g. “Summer newsletter”. To set-up a list in MailChimp go to Lists > Create List.
2. In SuperControl go to Database > Filter.
3. Enter in your filter parameters e.g. to send an email to subscribers only, select “Subscribed = Yes”.
If you need to send an email only to future bookings, but not past guests, just make sure that your date range covers only the period that you want to send the email to, select 'Holiday Dates', but leave all other parameters as they are.

5. Click Filter.
6. Click "Download" and then "Download file". Ensure you copy the password displayed on the screen as you will need to paste this into the file to access it.

7. Once you open the file, save it on your computer as a CSV file.
8. Next to your generated list in Mailchimp select "Import"
9. Select "CSV or tab-delimited file" and click Next.
10. Upload your SuperControl file and click Next.
11. Click Next again and then click Import.
12. Your contacts are now added ready to send your email in Mailchimp.