In order to schedule emails with property specific attachments the following needs have been done:
a) Upload the property specific document to SuperControl.
Please see this help center guide how to do this.
b) Create an email template, which is to be used for the email.
Please see this help centre guide how to create email templates.
d) Create a letter group and add the letters to it.
Please see this help centre article how to do this.
c) Create the tags that will be used for the identification of the property documents
Please see this help centre guide how and where to create them.
Start the scheduling process by going to Email / Letters > Automated emails / SMS > select Show letter(s) in the drop-down to the right of the letter group > Go > click Edit to the right of the letter to be amended.
1) Select all scheduling options as required.
2) In the section Attachments, you will find a sub-section Tagged property document.
Select any/all documents that should be send with this email.

3) Select all recipient.
4) Click Update letter at the bottom.