If you are trying to archive an owner in SuperControl and it's showing a message that the owner is still being owed money, you need to check the statement for this owner to make sure all payments have been added to a payment run.

To check the owner statement for any payment entries that have not yet been added to a payment run, go to Agency > Commission statements > find the owner you are looking to archive > click the cog on the right hand side > Statement.
In order to make sure all payment entries are being shown, make sure to choose the date range from the beginning to the end of the current year.
Make sure that cancelled and provisional bookings are showing.
The option to not show bookings where the guest has not paid should not be selected.
The filters for all of 2024 should look like in the screenshot below.

The next step is to go through the statement and make sure, there are no payment entries, which can still be selected.
In the screenshot below there is one payment, which is not yet part of a payment run and can therefore still be selected.
To clear this entry, you need to add another payment run including this payment entry.
This can be done by simply adding a payment run containing just this one entry and is dated the same as payment run previously already done.
Make sure you add a caption that makes it clear, why there are two payment runs.
Please note:
If a payment entry has been added to a payment run, but can still be selected, DO NOT try to add the entry to another payment run.
Contact the SuperControl support team by opening a ticket. This is something we need to resolve.
If there are no issues in the current year, carry on with changing the date range to future and/or past years.
You might need to go back several years before finding any payment entry still needing to be added to a payment run.
Once the statement has been checked and there are no further issues, return to the owner settings page (Agency > Edit owner > click the owner reference number). You should now be able to archive the owner.