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Why can't I archive an owner?

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If you are trying to archive an owner in SuperControl and it's showing that you cannot archive them due to 'owed funds', it is important to ensure all Supercontrol payment entries are up to date in the statement.

To check for any missed entries not marked as paid you need to go to Agency > Commission statements > find the owner you are looking to archive and go to their Statement.

Under the Report filter options - we recommend you enter a date from the past (example a few years back) and also important you check the statement for bookings in the future (example, a few years in the future).

NB. Also check the filters. You may have changed how you pay owners so be aware that the filters might be different to what you used to pay the owners in the past.  For example you used to pay the owner even if the guest hasn't paid, but now you don't pay them.

Sometimes, you will see that there are some entries that were not marked as paid from a few years back or  perhaps there is still a booking for somewhere in the future that you need to pay the owner for.

If everything has already been paid to the owner, simply mark the statement as paid. 

You can then go ahead and archive the owner under Agency > Edit owners.

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