If you receive a refund from a supplier, which needs to be paid to the owner, you can use a negative Expense on behalf of owner.
This would result in the owner being credited the money in their statement and the supplier is seeing a debit note in the supplier statement.
- Go to Agency > Commission statement.
- Click the cog to the right of the owner.
- Select Statement.

- At the top right-hand side in the Record payment / expense section select Expense on behalf of owner.
- Add the amount of the expense.
Please note:
If you add the amount first and then change the type of payment, the amount will be deleted.

Please note:
If you need to apply VAT on the expense, and want to calculate the gross, tick the Calculate gross link.
If you click it, the amount you previously entered will be adjusted. The VAT will be added.

- Select a Supplier.
It is important to select a supplier so that the expense is correctly debited on the supplier statement.
You can ignore the Expense code, except this is a XCover expense.

- Enter a caption e.g. Credit note from Flowry Dreams.
- If you are using Payment references, add one.
- Select the Date, the expense is to show on the statement.
- Click Save.

The screenshot below shows what the owner would see in their statement.
This is the same entry in the supplier statement.