1. Go to Agency > Commission statement and set your payment date range.
2. Click on the cog to the right of “All owners” and click Statement. Ensure everything to be included in the payment run is ticked. If there are payments missing or should not be paid, you can untick them in the owner's individual statement.
The option 'Show payment status checkbox' must be ticked, otherwise no PDF can being created to email to owners.

3. Navigate back to Agency > Commission statement and click Bulk payments for “All owners”.
4. To select all owners, click on the cog underneath "Tick to pay" and click "Tick All" or tick them individually.
Preview the owner statement before you send it by clicking the cog on the far right of each owner, and click "Preview PDF". You can also amend their statement here by clicking on "Statement".
5. At the bottom of the page enter a payment date, caption, and payment reference.
6. Select an email template to send as a covering letter to your owners. If you don’t have one set up click here to see how to set up an email template.
7. Choose if you wish to send the email to owners on a specific date/time, send on the payment date or send now.
8. Click Save and click OK.
What is Lock payments? If you are 100% happy with all your payments then you can tick to lock those payments in place. It means they cannot be edited in any way after the payment has been made.