If you have cancelled a booking and also taken out the owner payment information by mistake, you can still re-add the payment to the owner into the owner payment tab.
1. Go to the booking.
2. Click the Owner payment tab.

There will be no entries any longer as they been deleted when the option to take any payments out was selected when the booking was cancelled.
In order to pay the owner, you need to add a new custom payment.
3. Add a Description the makes sense, e.g. payment to owner - booking 537966.
It is a payment to the owner and the booking number is 537966. This way you can easily identify it in the owner statement.

4. Select the payment date.
This is the date, the owner should receive the money.
You should select a date that is in line with your setting for paying this owner, e.g. the arrival date.
Click onto the small calendar icon and select the required date.

5. Add the amount due to the owner.
6. Select Payment due to owner from the drop-down menu.

Please note:
The entry for the commission to be paid to the agency will be added after the initial payment entry has been finished.
The custom payment options should look something like the screenshot below.
7. Click Save in the right hand top corner of the owner payment tab

The custom payment is added and is looking like this:
8. In order to add any required commission, click on Edit to the right of the payment entry.

A pop-up will appear.
Please note:
Should the pop-up not appear, please make sure that your browser settings are allowing pop-ups.
9. Calculate the commission due.
- full amount paid by the guest: £2,759
- commission due to agency, 18%: £496.62
- payment due to owner: £2,262.38
The above figures are all gross.
10. Add the commission due to the agency into the Commission GBP field.
The Total GBP made up of the payment to the owner and the commission is being automatically calculated.

11. Click Save.
The pop-up closes automatically.
The completed custom owner payment is not showing link this:
Please note:
You need to tick the option to Show cancelled bookings when filtering the owner statement.
Otherwise the payment entry will not appear in the statement, will not be added to the payment run, but the system "knows" their is more money due and the running balance will seem to show money due for which there is no payment entry.