You can either select the option to re-use an iCal booking number or decide against it.
Re-using an iCal booking number means the following:
- An iCal booking is imported into SuperControl.
- This iCal booking is then cancelled at the source (the 3rd party which received the origianl booking).
- In turned the imported iCal booking will be cancelled in SuperControl.
- If a new guest is booking the same dates as were blocked in the original booking, the same booking number will be used in SuperControl
Mr. Smith is booking the 06.10.2025 for 7 nights.
The booking is imported into SuperControl and gets the booking no. 512.
Mr. Smith is changing his mind and cancels his booking.
The booking no 512 is cancelled in SuperControl.
Mrs. Franks is now booking the 06.10.2025 for 7 nights.
The booking is again forwarded in the iCal feed and added to SuperControl.
As the same dates are being booked again, the booking received the same booking number again , no 512.
You can change the option, if you want to re-use iCal bookings or not here:
- Go to Integrations > Admin tools > iCal Feed.
- Select the tab Import.
- Select either Yes or No for the setting Reuse iCal
YES - the booking number is being re-used for a replacement booking
NO - every imported iCal booking received its individual booking numbe

Please note:
You can decide for each individual property, if you want to re-use the iCal booking number or not.