Help Centre

What data needs to be collected?

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Depending on which option is being selected in the Seller information section of the owner settings, there will be different information to be collected.

a) Individual
This is chosen when the recipient of the funds, which are paid out according to the Owner payment tab in a booking and/or the payment entries in the owner statement, is a specific person / are specific persons.

Please note:
The name of the owners may be Mr and Mrs Smith, but the actual “seller” (the person who’s name is assigned to receive the payments) may be only Mr Smith.
The actual recipient of the monies needs to be entered.

In most cases this will be the owner.

This is all the information that needs to be gathered from an individual:

As the owners' data is protected by GDPR, there are a number of fields that will be encrypted. This means you will see **** instead of the actual data.

b) Business
If it is not a person, but a business receiving the monies only the following information si required to be collected:

c) Not required for DAC7
No information needs to be collected when this option is applicable for the recipient of the monies.

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