Help Centre

Setting up property types (Agency ONLY)

Updated on

Please note:
This information is relevant only for Agency accounts.

Please note:
You cannot create your own property types to be used for the DAC7 reporting.
They have been created for you in SuperControl.

Every property needs to have a property type assigned to it in line with the DAC7 data collection.
A number of options have been created and you can select the appropriate one in the property settings under Properties > Edit > Go.

Please make sure that you have the Include advanced settings toggled On on the right hand side.

Scroll down until you see option Property type.

Use the down arrow to select the correct type from the list.

Should none of the options meet your property's type, you can select Other at the bottom of the list.
This will open a new field allowing you to add your own property type.

Should you change anything on the property settings page and a property type has not yet been set up, you will see a message that you need to add this information.
You will not be able to save any changed, before the property type has not been selected.

Please note:
You cannot add or delete any of these system property types.

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