Help Centre

Which tax / registration number to use

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Where to add this information?
Go to Agency > Edit owner > Edit > section Seller information.
After you have selected the category, you will see one of two options to add a tax identification / company identification number.

Below select, the appropriate header for the relevant information regarding an individual seller or a company.

DAC7 Category - Individual

For any seller that is added to the category individual a National Insurance Number (NIN) needs to be added to seller information.

Should the owner not be willing to add his/her National insurance number, or you can't obtain it for other reason, please tick the box in front of Unknown / Not applicable

DAC7 Category - Business

If an owner, situated in the UK, is managing their properties as a business, unincorporated or incorporated partnerships they will have a Company registration number.
This number will need to be added to the Company Reg. Number for UK field in the seller information section.

Should the company be bases outside the UK their tax / company registration number might be called something else.
Any company from outside the UK should provide their company Tax Identification Number (TIN).

Should the owner not be willing to add his/her National insurance number, or you can't obtain it for other reason, please tick the box in front of Unknown / Not applicable

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