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What owners do I have to submit data for in January 2025

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In the January 2025 report, you only need to submit data for any owner that has been added to your books after 01.01.2024.
Anybody you have signed up before this date has not been included in the January 2025 report.

To check since when an owner has been with you, go to Agency > Edit owners > Edit to the right of the owner.
You will find the date the owner was created at the top of the page.

Please note:
You can also create a report for all your owners, allowing you to check which owners you need to add data for and which not at a glance.
To do that, go to Agency > Edit owners > select Export owners on the right hand side.

In following years, you will need to report on all owners, but this first year allows you collect data on less owners as its only asking for owners added from January 2024. So you can complete due diligence data just for these owners which means considerable less admin time to get your due diligence data completed before January 2025.

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