Help Centre

What, if the report submission fails

Updated on

Should the submission not be successful, you will see an error message like the one below:

You need mark the report as rejected in SuperControl's Report tracker.

  1. Go to Agency > Reports > DAC7 reports.
  2. Scroll down to the Report tracker.
  3. Click onto the pencil to the right of the report, you tried to submit.
  4. Change the entry in the Status column to HMRC rejected.
Download DAC7 report : SuperControl - Google Chrome

This will allow you to Generate the report again at the top of the page, and try another submission once any errors have been rectified.

  1. Add a reason to reflect the rejection in the box in the Reason column.

Click Save to the right of the row, in the Action column.

Please note:
You should not re-download the existing report again. If you try to submit the re-download, you will receive the same error again.
You need to generate a fresh report and submit this new report instead.

From the HMRC website you can download an error report with further information as to why the report has been rejected.
To do this click the Download error report button on the on HMRC website. When the file has been downloaded you can open it in any application able to display text, e.g. Notepad, Word or LibreOffice. and open the file in Notepad.

Once you have downloaded the error report simply double click it and your computer will automatically select the application to open it in.

If you want us (SuperControl Support) to have a look at the information provided in the error report, please copy the text from the downloaded file into an email and send it to [email protected].
We will advise in regards to the next steps, if possible.