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Adding a category using the DAC7 reporting page

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If you have several owner, which all need to have a category allocated, you can use the DAC7 report page to filter for these owners and then add categories to them all in one place.

  1. Go to Agency > Reports > DAC7 report.
    In the Summary of owners statuses you will see the number of owners still missing a category.
  2. Click onto the Show more ->
    You are being forwarded to a new page, showing all owners where the category is still missing.
  1. Click onto the pencil in the Actions column.

The section expands and provides the option to select the required category form a drop-down menu.

  1. Click Save.

The owner will no longer show in the list.
Continue with the steps 3 and 4 until there are no more owners coming up in the list.

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